Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dream Journal #6

This dream journal is going to be very scattered, as I wrote it down in shorthand right after having the dream and then went back to sleep... so it's a wee bit foggy. But here it is:

Dream #1:
The Viking Room was kicking people out so we (a random group of friends and other people) all went into the old Underground Coffee House, and right outside of it. We were looking onto some tennis courts which became the ocean in the Caribbean. Some of us started kayaking in the beautiful blue water, and we could see straight to the bottom there were some rusty old kayaks sunk down to the ocean floor. A couple of my friends were sitting in lawn chairs and all of a sudden they flew up in them and hit the fence of the tennis courts. They were really high up. Then I went to a swimming pool. The girl I was with used to have a license to be a lifeguard, but it got taken away.

That night there was a party with a lot of disorderly drunk people. It looked kind of like a Co-Op house that I stayed at in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Some big guy with tattoos was taken away by the Residence Hall Director who was saying something like, "I can't believe you just WANT to scrape by in school and not learn anything." I went back to the VR where there was some strange orange powdery thing on the table. I just wanted to drink some orange juice, but some old man who was sitting at my table put acid in it. The next morning I went out to brunch with some people and saw the bar manager with his wife. Our waitress was giving away free hot chocolates on a tray and a head massage that made me feel really uncomfortable.

I want approval for something but I need to be strong. I have started to accept who I am and see my own characteristics and attributes, but this makes other people think that I haven't thought through things enough and made rash decisions. They think that I need to take better care of myself, and this is holding me back and keeping me from expressing how I actually feel. I feel like people around me think that I am behaving in a reckless manner, but one person might be jealous of me or of something I have done. I feel like maybe I am not paying enough attention to school. At the same time I think about how I am young and invincible. I have to express my feelings or else I will be harming myself. People around me who are trying to help me but who I don't appreciate are telling me not to be so impulsive and to avoid giving in to temptations. I should be more trusting of those people.

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