Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dream Journal #2

I had a very strange experience waking up this morning. I actually laughed myself awake. I confirmed with my roommate that I was actually laughing outloud, so I know that I didn't dream this. Before I woke myself up I was having a dream that took place in New York City, though it had elements of a lot of other cities and towns that I have been to including Appleton, Amsterdam, Appleton, and London. I was very aware of the fact that there was a subway system underground... I think that at times I may have been able to see it even though I was above ground the whole time. Somehow I learned of a sort of terrorist attack that was going to happen in the subway and I started trying to fly, or rather jump really long distances. I may have been trying to stop it or save people. I don't think I was just trying to run away. The next thing I remember is tying my shoes (sweet shoes that don't actually exist) with two of my friends hovering over my shoulders singing that silly Ting Tings song "That's Not My Name." For some reason this was hilarious to me and that is when I started laughing.

I had a lot more dreams last night, more than I usually remember having when I wake up, but this dream was the most vivid.

And now for the interpretation thanks to the internetz!!

City: community, closeness, a city in ruins means that you are afraid that a relationship is falling apart
terrorist attack: loss of control
subway: you are being impulsive
jumping: you need to take more risks
shoes: you are embarking on a journey to an unknown destination in your life

I think I'm getting better at paying attention to my dreams, so hopefully as the term goes on I will be able to remember my dreams even more clearly and have more control over them. I haven't had any lucid dreams that I remember in the past couple of nights... but I expect it to happen quite soon. We shall see!


  1. I view dreams as either a reminder of what is about to unfold or what has already taking place in some manner in our lives or other. Most dreams don't make sense in the manner to which it flows. For instance you dream of being at two places at the same time. How cold that possibly be? but sometimes it do happens in real life but how you interpret it is what makes it your dream.

    It is very interesting to know that what reaally happened in your dream did really happened.I had a dream once that someone dear to me had died and when the news reached me, i couildn't help myself but cry. Interesting, my mom woke me up because i was crying for real.It is odd sometimes what we dream about. Maybe its time to pay more attention and find interpretation for our dreams.

  2. Do you think your dreams have a distinctive aesthetic? In terms of colors, perspective, whatever. That could be great inspiration for your art practice.

    Larry Page, the cofounder of Google, says he came up with the idea for the search engine when he dreamed one night that he had downloaded the internet. Maybe you'll have a similar epiphany if you keep paying attention.

  3. Has anyone had a dream that was a prophecy? They are intense when they deal with life and death. Didn't know that about Google. Historic figures that have had an epiphany were looking very hard for one.
